July 100 Challenge

My attempt to Get Healthy (yet again)

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July 100 Challenge

Postby BigDog » Mon Jul 02, 2007 11:40 am


I thought I'd stick a placeholder in here for me to come back to later. Once again, June was a month best remembered for not really regaining weight and sticking to exercising, even though injury/etc. kept me off-kilter the whole time. I've also been on a heavy snacking diet for two months now, so that needs to be my biggest concern in July. I'll run a couple times a week at work, play tennis with the UA Men's Singles Ladder and G-Money (anyone else here play?), and I think I'll mix in a little light lifting at work to give me some variety and balance to those workouts. Not sure what sort of exercise goal I'll have, but I need to come up with a food/diet goal. More on that to come.

July 1 - Bridge Party (rich food), working all day with Vickie (very little sneak-snacking). Knowing about the party, I'd call it an exception day.

July 2 - Working from home 1/2 day, working on possible leaking shower problem/shopping/etc. in the morning. No exercise yet, not bad food.
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Postby BigDog » Sun Jul 08, 2007 10:44 pm

Hmm, perhaps this Challenge thing has petered out?

I don't have the energy to go fill mine in for the past 8 days, but July 4th was a different eating day, the convention on the 6th and 7th was also not the best eating. Today (8th) was better.

My injuries aren't getting better, so I've switched to recumbant bike and stair-master in an attempt to keep exercising without causing more problems. I plan to continue with the tennis but this last week with its interruptions didn't provide me a chance to play. I'm trying to set up matches for the tennis ladder I'm participating in, and I'll play with Mark G as often as I can.

I'm going to weigh myself tomorrow morning for the first time in several days. I'm not really optimistic but maybe gaining weight will inspire me to get back on track. I really don't want to slide back to where I was before...
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Postby BigDog » Fri Jul 13, 2007 4:20 pm

Hmmm, have we all lost our way? Or simply drifted away from the kramday-izing of our efforts?

Well, I've gained a good 5 pounds with all this non-exercise time, so I'm pulling myself together again. I did 30min on the recumbant bike at the fitness center today covering over 10 miles. Not as much of a sweat-maker as jogging, but I think I can do it without hurting myself more. Walking dogs and biking to get the heart-rate up seem to be possible for me, so I plan to do them daily if at all possible.

I also plan to cut out the bad habits I'd gotten back to (Tim Horton's breakfasts, other snacking). While I'm off the harder, calorie-burning exercise I can't absorb that snacking and keep the weight down. I need to get back to 275 or less by the end of July, around which time I'll be revisiting my doctor.

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Postby kramday » Fri Jul 13, 2007 8:02 pm

I will admit that I have lost my way since Tab died. I have averaged about a pound/week coming back on. All of it on my gut. When I do something, it feels pretty good. I have had some of my best rides in that timeframe, but I'm just not getting on the bike. The con didn't help, as my back has really bothered me for the last week. All that walking around the convention center just killed me.

I'm hoping to get back into it, but I might need to do something drastic to get a jumpstart. :?
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Postby JO » Sat Jul 14, 2007 3:42 pm

I have temporarily run out of the drive to fill in the thread. I just kept forgetting about it and soon it was way to into July. Summer has not be really busy with the kids but I want to do other things.

However, I have been really good with Curves. Go there almost always 4 days a week (mon, wed, thur, sat). My stats continue to go down, albeit slowly. Eating is good however, though I just got back from the Harrison County Fair and ate a ton of fair food. Don't tell G$! OHHHHH, IT WAS GOOOOOODDDDD!!!!!

I might be up for it in September but August gets too busy what with end of summer and beginning of school.
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Postby BigDog » Sat Jul 14, 2007 9:50 pm

I'll probably post here from time to time to help motivate myself. But everyone should do what works best for them. Changing things up is certainly advisable. If this record isn't getting it done, try other things.
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Postby kramday » Sat Jul 14, 2007 10:00 pm

JO wrote:However, I have been really good with Curves. Go there almost always 4 days a week (mon, wed, thur, sat). My stats continue to go down, albeit slowly. Eating is good

Congrats Jo. Keep it up.
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