Calorie Tracker

My attempt to Get Healthy (yet again)

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Calorie Tracker

Postby kramday » Sun May 08, 2011 5:55 pm

I posted this my blog, which means it will get pulled into FB, but I wanted to double-post it here.

I was wondering if anyone on my friends list watches the Biggest Loser? I have been thinking about getting a Calorie Tracker to wear, and I guess they have them where one on the show. Essentially it is an armband that you wear all day, even while sleeping. Then it measures your calorie use throughout the day. There are others out there that are designed with heart rate monitors and calculate calories during exercising. But I don’t think those work when you are just sitting at your desk. This is supposed to do that, with the idea being you will see the low calorie number and get motivated to move more. It also checks sleep, but I’m less clear what exactly it is measuring there.

As I am look at currently, the main drawback seems to be that you have to buy a subscription to the company’s website to upload the data. There isn’t a way to upload it straight to my computer and track it yourself. As someone that deals with databases all day, it can be frustrating to me when a products canned reports don’t show me the exact data that I want to see. Especially when I know that data is being tracked by the software.

This is the one they have them where on the show: ... kramday-20

But this is the one I was thinking about getting. ... kramday-20
BodyMedia FIT

So anyone every seen these on the show or somewhere else?
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Re: Calorie Tracker

Postby BigDog » Sun May 08, 2011 5:58 pm

I haven't seen these gadgets before so I'm not much help. Makes you wish you could call them and just say "Hey, guys, I get it. Let me pay the subscription but I want my data dumped to a CSV file in a secure netstore so I can do my own damn analysis on it, k?"
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Re: Calorie Tracker

Postby kramday » Sun May 08, 2011 6:02 pm

Exactly. The CSV thing is what I am hoping for. I'm not too optimistic, but we'll see. Otherwise, I might need to learn more about using a text editor to parse the webpages. :D
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Re: Calorie Tracker

Postby kramday » Sun May 08, 2011 9:58 pm

According to this link, it does export the data.
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Re: Calorie Tracker

Postby BigDog » Sun May 08, 2011 10:37 pm

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