I'm getting my speedo ready - I officially started the South Beach diet today. I informally started last week, but I knew Vegas would make it tough (but I still lost a pound). Since I have been back, I have taken a phased approach to get my fitness back on track:
1. I hired a personal trainer. The main reason is to be accountable to someone. I am paying her to nag me (thus, I am apt to listen to it vs. nagging from the wife, for example)
2. On the advice of 1, I did an herbal cleanse. Lost 4 pounds.
3. Joined the Worthington Community Center. I target to get there when it opens (6am) every weekday. So far, I think I have only missed one day that I was not travelling.
4. The current workout is irrelevent - I am just trying to establish the habit. Just doing some cardio and a few things my PT suggested
5. Started SB. This is supposed to have a nice jump start with a 6-8 lb loss in the first 2 weeks.
6. If 5. gives the weight loss, then P90X is back on the horizon ("Bring It"). I feel I need to be under 200lb to effectively utilize the program. Heavier than 200 I feel like I am just fighting against myself.
I am rebuilding my fitness support network. There is still some BBall at Uncle John's Park on Thursdays - I will probably join back up (so I might request a change in gaming night - but I am not there yet). Anyone that wants to do the SB diet, P90x, or another activity let me know.