Here is the one I got, if you are interested.
I have it in my hallway on the way to the bedroom. It sort of just draws you to do one or two when you walk by.
kramday wrote:Maybe we can make it a monthly challenge or something. Just throwing out ideas, but maybe meet for (hopefully a healthy) lunch once a month or something and see how many we can do.
amerigoV wrote:Just a bit in both. I feel much better and can see better definition. I am plugging along eating pretty well. A good portion of the program is resistance training, so there is likely some muscle replacing fat going on (muscle weighs more than fat per volume). The key is more that I enjoy doing it. It is like when we played basketball once a week back in Columbus -- I did not do it because of the exercise, I did it because I got to guard Alison... I mean I enjoyed playing.
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