P90X - Bring it!

My attempt to Get Healthy (yet again)

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Re: P90X - Bring it!

Postby amerigoV » Wed Oct 22, 2008 10:39 pm

Here is the one I got, if you are interested.

I have it in my hallway on the way to the bedroom. It sort of just draws you to do one or two when you walk by.
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Re: P90X - Bring it!

Postby BigDog » Thu Oct 23, 2008 2:08 pm

kramday wrote:Maybe we can make it a monthly challenge or something. Just throwing out ideas, but maybe meet for (hopefully a healthy) lunch once a month or something and see how many we can do.

I'd be down with that. I don't get to see you guys much any more anyway.
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Re: P90X - Bring it!

Postby amerigoV » Sun Nov 02, 2008 8:32 pm

Ouch! I just watched the Chest / Back and AbRipper DVDs that I will be doing tomorrow morning. I am sore just watching it! It dredged up horrible memories from the one year I wrestled in high school -- tons of pushups and situps. I feel sore already :lol:
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Re: P90X - Bring it!

Postby kramday » Mon Nov 03, 2008 10:37 am

So can you move this morning? :D
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Re: P90X - Bring it!

Postby amerigoV » Mon Nov 03, 2008 10:52 am

It was pretty rough. I worked hard on pacing. There is one interested effect of it being a timed workout. Early on, I cannot do as many reps as they are, so I have more recovery time. As one gets better, there is less recovery time -- a nice progression. I was feeling a bit queezy at the end -- I started the AB-RIpper DVD but stopped it. I'll do those after karate (it is only 15 minutes of pain...).

I feel somewhat stiff right now, but energy level is up.
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Re: P90X - Bring it!

Postby kramday » Mon Nov 03, 2008 12:57 pm

Sounds painful. :D If you don't mind me asking, what is your weight currently at the start of the routine?
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Re: P90X - Bring it!

Postby amerigoV » Mon Nov 03, 2008 2:37 pm

205 (well, that was after the workout -- so a bit low on water :) )
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Re: P90X - Bring it!

Postby amerigoV » Tue Nov 04, 2008 11:25 pm

Did the Plyometerics tonight. Great workout - very hard but very rewarding. For those not familiar, you jump around, squats, and other painful things for about an hour. Great for getting better at most court sports, especially basketball (it helps build explosive movements).
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Re: P90X - Bring it!

Postby amerigoV » Fri Nov 07, 2008 8:55 am

I did arms & back on Wed, Yogi last night, and Legs, back and abs this morning. My calves were sore yesterday from the tuesday polyometrics (damn old age 2 day lag). The main strenght part of the program is not to bad for me. Now that I have been through them, I can adjust the pace to balance "bringing it" (resistence/reps) with getting through the workout.

Yoga was very hard but rewarding. The first part did everything out of "plank" (think push up in the "up" position) and "downward dog" (from the push up position, push back so your butt is in the air - from the side you make a triangle). Lots of stretches and position holding. Although you do not move around much, it creates isometeric resistence. I will sweat, I guarantee it.

The second half had many balancing positions. I really liked them from an all around athleticism perspective. Some were very hard, and one set was impossible for me at this time (but I will get it eventually).

Tomorrow is Kempo (which I did before starting the official program and really like) then Sunday is the Lord's Day (rest -- I will do the stretching DVD).

Overall, pretty excited about surviving the first week.
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Re: P90X - Bring it!

Postby amerigoV » Mon Dec 01, 2008 9:02 pm

A quick update -- I have not hit karate much lately just do to odd timing, family, etc. I went tonight -- I really could tell the difference in just the warmups -- pounding out pushups likes they were nothing. Overall, just felt very better about everything I was doing.

Tonight marks the start of phase two. Still going strong!
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Re: P90X - Bring it!

Postby kramday » Wed Dec 03, 2008 1:02 pm

Sounds like you are cranking along. Are you noticing any difference on the scale or with the belt buckle?
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Re: P90X - Bring it!

Postby amerigoV » Thu Dec 04, 2008 8:11 am

Just a bit in both. I feel much better and can see better definition. I am plugging along eating pretty well. A good portion of the program is resistance training, so there is likely some muscle replacing fat going on (muscle weighs more than fat per volume). The key is more that I enjoy doing it. It is like when we played basketball once a week back in Columbus -- I did not do it because of the exercise, I did it because I got to guard Alison... I mean I enjoyed playing.
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Re: P90X - Bring it!

Postby kramday » Thu Dec 04, 2008 4:59 pm

It definitely sounds like it has struck a chord with you. Keep posting about it and maybe some of that enthusiasm be contagious and I'll get motivated to start working out again.
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Re: P90X - Bring it!

Postby BigDog » Thu Dec 04, 2008 6:12 pm

amerigoV wrote:Just a bit in both. I feel much better and can see better definition. I am plugging along eating pretty well. A good portion of the program is resistance training, so there is likely some muscle replacing fat going on (muscle weighs more than fat per volume). The key is more that I enjoy doing it. It is like when we played basketball once a week back in Columbus -- I did not do it because of the exercise, I did it because I got to guard Alison... I mean I enjoyed playing.

Even though I rarely got to "guard" Alison, I miss that group a lot. I don't think I've had a consistent, long-term exercise engagement like that since it fell apart.
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Re: P90X - Bring it!

Postby amerigoV » Thu Dec 04, 2008 6:49 pm

That is the thing that has killed me up here in Michigan. The problem is that the suburbs are all about 25-30 miles out from downtown and everyone lives in a different part of town. Thus, it is harder to get together with people you know for something like basketball (it easily becomes a 1 hour drive to home for many people). I enjoy karate, but it really is not high calarie burn (except on the occassions we spar, so you go from low pace to killer pace). Going to the gym is OK, but you need a partner that will push you if you really want to make progress. This is the first thing I have come across that I can do at home that is both enjoyable and intense (sex aside of course, and that during the week would create other problems in my life :D ).

Off to get ready for Yoga (oooooom).
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