I thought I'd stick a placeholder in here for me to come back to later. Once again, June was a month best remembered for not really regaining weight and sticking to exercising, even though injury/etc. kept me off-kilter the whole time. I've also been on a heavy snacking diet for two months now, so that needs to be my biggest concern in July. I'll run a couple times a week at work, play tennis with the UA Men's Singles Ladder and G-Money (anyone else here play?), and I think I'll mix in a little light lifting at work to give me some variety and balance to those workouts. Not sure what sort of exercise goal I'll have, but I need to come up with a food/diet goal. More on that to come.
July 1 - Bridge Party (rich food), working all day with Vickie (very little sneak-snacking). Knowing about the party, I'd call it an exception day.
July 2 - Working from home 1/2 day, working on possible leaking shower problem/shopping/etc. in the morning. No exercise yet, not bad food.