As I mentioned on another thread, I am trying the Nutrisystem approach (as advertised by Dan Marino). The big attraction is that they send you a box of prepacked food. One of the things that seems to kill me is just taking time to make good food (well, I cannot vouch for quality yet, so lets say healthy food).
The big box arrived today. Probably take a few days to sort it all out and talk with an counselor. That is another nice thing -- they have free support if you want it -- not a nagging thing. Some of the website tools are pretty good.
Overall cost is about $10 a day. You get the primary meal plus snacks and deserts. You still need to add some fruit and veg. portions. If I stick too it, it will probably reduce my overall food costs given I eat on the run/out too much.
As for exercise, I have Karate on Mondays (modest energy output) and Wednesdays (more intense), with the occasional Saturdays. I have been getting on the elliptical machine for about 20m every morning to help with some of my conditioning (that is killing me in Karate -- not enough energy to spar effectively).
On weekends I am in Col, I try to play some basketball with Alex. There is a community rec center almost across the street from us. No matter the skill level, Alex is in great shape. So that forces me to move quite a bit. Alex's dad also got him a nice weight bench. We use that as well.
Finally, I may join the YMCA up here in Detroit. They just opened a branch in my building complex (just weights and cardio). Also, another guy at work plays racquetball, and the main downtown YMCA has all the pools, courts, etc. I always liked racquetball (it plays to my historic strength -- quickness), so I am thinking of joining once this month smooths out a bit (Jan. is a killer month in my office).
The one long-term issue I see: what will my diet be if all this works? The Nutrisystem will not get me into good cooking habits (the stuff is prepackage -- thus (occasionally) add water, heat and serve). At this point, that is a bridge I will cross when I come to it.