
My attempt to Get Healthy (yet again)

Moderators: amerigoV, BigDog


Postby kramday » Fri Jan 19, 2007 12:39 pm

Here is the official weigh-in thread. We'll see how motivated I continue to be to update it this way, but I'm going to try and keep the original and current information updated in this opening message. Whenever you take your measurements again, just add a new message and then we'll edit the numbers into this one.

Mark--Jan 01, 2007
Weight: 230

Mark--Jan 14, 2008
Weight: 230.5

Waist: 45 (measured 1/19/2007) *
% Body Fat: 32.4 (measured 1/26/2007)
* note: I measured at belly-button level, as it is the target zone

Weight: 190.5 (-1.5, -26.0)
It was hard to keep on the Nutrisystem during the past month due to travel. I was able to maintain weight which I think is a good long-term sign. The good news is much of my mid-week travels are over. This past week I was able to adhere pretty close to the system and had a nice loss.

Big Dog--1/15/2007
Weight: 292.5
% Body Fat:

Big Dog--3/19/2007
Weight 281.5
Ran Tues, Thurs, Friday
Did heavy yardwork Sunday
Played Bball Tuesday night.
Eating was more lax than I can handle, so I'll try to clean that up and get headed down again.
Last edited by kramday on Mon Dec 03, 2007 3:19 pm, edited 42 times in total.
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Re: Weigh-In

Postby amerigoV » Fri Jan 19, 2007 12:57 pm

Now in reverse chronological order!

Weight: 190.5 (-1.5, -26.0)
It was hard to keep on the Nutrisystem during the past month due to travel. I was able to maintain weight which I think is a good long-term sign. The good news is much of my mid-week travels are over. This past week I was able to adhere pretty close to the system and had a nice loss.

Weight: 192.0 (-1.0, -24.5)
I am nearing a key milestone -- I believe I was around 190 when I came up to Michigan (although I may be misremembering). Regardless, once I 190, I will declare that I have lost all my Michigan Fat.

Weight: 193.0 (-3.5, -23.5)
Travel has slowed the weight loss, but there is still loss, so I cannot complain!

Weight: 196.5 (-2.0, -20.0)
Waist: 42
% Body Fat: 27.7

I recovered from my vacation and even managed to lose some this week. I have reached waypoint #2 (20% to goal, goal being roughly 50 lbs).

Weight: 198.5 (-2.0, -18.0)
Waist: 42
% Body Fat: 27.7

So know we know - Jo was the reason that we are all fat!

Weight: 200.5 (+0.5, -16.0)
Waist: TBD
% Body Fat: 27.7

Although I picked up a 1/2 lb, that is not bad. I was out of my "environment" from Friday through the whole following week. With BDay celebrations and Jo's damn cookies, I am happy with only picking up 1/2 lb.

Weight: 200.0 (-0.5, -16.5)
Waist: 42.0
% Body Fat: 27.8

Sooooo close to breaking the 200 barrier. On Wed or Thurs morning, I was 199.5, but that is not the official weigh-in day.

Weight: 200.5 (-1.5, -16.0)
Waist: 42.25
% Body Fat: 27.6

A bit leary of the body fat number (but I did measure twice). Doc was pleased with the weight loss. I am sure that he tells many people to lose weight and they do not. Blood pressure is just a touch high -- we agreed to let it ride for now and see if the continued weight loss/exercise will help.

Weight: 202.0 (-2.0, -14.5)
Waist: 42.75
% Body Fat: 29.2

Not a bad outcome on a short week (measured on Monday). I have a Dr. Appt next week - the Dr. wanted me to loose 10lbs as a start. I can walk in and show that I have lost more.

Weight: 204.0 (-2.5, -12.5)
Waist: 42.75
% Body Fat: 29.2

Spent most of the week in Columbus. Although too close to a refridgerator, I did well and felt "thin" (except when I bought the diving wetsuit, but that is just more motivation). I am now on the penultimate hole on the old "fat belt" -- will have to get a new belt soon!

Weight: 206.5 (-2.0, -10.0)
Waist: 43.25
% Body Fat: 29.6

Nice waypoint reached -- about 20% of the way to goal. Approximately 50 pounds is my goal, but it has been so long since I have been at my "target weight" that I will have to see what makes sense once I get in the zone.

Weight: 208.5 (-0.5, -8.0)
Waist: 43.75
% Body Fat: 30.6

Not bad -- this week had a few days that were "challenging". But, I am about to drop another belt notch and I did not regress (still lost 1/2 pound), so I am happy.

Weight: 209.0 (-1.5, -7.5)
Waist: 44.00
% Body Fat: 32.8*

* I am not taking this number too seriously. I weight myself several times to ensure a good consistent outcome on the weight. This number seems to vary a bit

Weight: 210.5 (-2, -6)
Waist: 44.25
% Body Fat: 32.4
Note: new scale, the old scale has me at 208 (as far as I can read it), so I adjusted the 1/12 number to reflect the relative weight loss on the old scale.

Weight: 212.5 (-4, -4)
Waist: 45
% Body Fat:

Waist: 45 (measured 1/19/2007) *
% Body Fat: 32.4 (measured 1/26/2007)
* note: I measured at belly-button level, as it is the target zone
Last edited by amerigoV on Fri Jun 15, 2007 5:33 am, edited 23 times in total.
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Postby BigDog » Fri Jan 19, 2007 2:17 pm

Big Dog --
Weights taken at work on large digital scale with about 5 lbs of clothes/shoes on. So subtract 5 from each value to see a more accurate weight.


I've been tracking now and then in the challenge threads, but officially, I weighed in at 276.0 on the home scale, 281.0 at the fitness center scale (with sneakers and gym clothes on). Not too much slippage back, but no progress forward. Going to try to tighten up on my eating policies, gotten too lax of late.

Annual physical. Confirmed 10 pounds of weight loss since January. Blood pressure is right where it should be. Bloodwork came back as still showing work to do, but my problem areas (Triglycerides, cholesterol) are moving in the right direction and my liver functions are fine. So, overall it was good to see some results of the last few months. Got a lot more to go. Been kind of walking next to "the wagon" this week food and exercise-wise, not eating much in the day and too much in the evening, missing more running than making it. But the cardinal rule is: "Yesterday's failures will not prevent today's successes."

* Weighed early afternoon instead of morning, after lunch and after running. I'm hoping that accounts for much of the wrong direction this week... *
Weight: 284.5
Ran Tues, Thu, Sat, Mon
Worked late most nights on BSG, snacked in evenings.

Weight 281.5
Ran Tues, Thurs, Friday
Did heavy yardwork Sunday
Played Bball Tuesday night.
Eating was more lax than I can handle, so I'll try to clean that up and get headed down again.

Weight 280.0
Ran 2 miles and played 2 hours of B-ball yesterday.

Weight: 281.5
"Official" Weigh-in. Biggest Loser is over, but my team is still checking weekly and reporting it to the others as a motivator.

Weight: 280.5

Weight: 282.0
Exercise: Last week as a real let-down for me after the Biggest Loser ended. I had a work trip nuke my Wed and I felt sick Thurs trying to recover from the trip. I only ran three times and played basketball once on Tuesday night (even that was shorter than average since I had to get home and get to sleep for my crack o' dawn flight). Must have unconsciously relaxed my eating habits as well although I don't remember any big 'binges'.

But that is last week and this is this week, so I'm back in the groove. I'm in class all week so I'll have to run at home, I'm hoping four times through Sunday with basketball Tuesday as well.
2/26/2007 - LAST WEIGH-IN for Lucent Biggest Loser Program
Weight: 279.5
Exercise: Ran Friday (2.0 miles) Sunday (1.5 miles), kept my calories down. Very pleased to get down under 280 again (actually under 275 without shoes/clothes/etc.) Last time was during an active summer of basketball some 5+ years ago. We're considering extending the weigh-ins another ~6 weeks, just to keep giving each other motivation.

Weight: 284.0
Exercise: Ran Mon (12), Wed, Thu, missed Fri/Sat, ran Sun and Mon. Eating wasn't too bad, still I'd been concerned it might blip up instead of down. So in that regard I'm pleased. Wish it was going down a little faster, but down is down and I think the longer I take, the more consistent I'll be in continuing some of the things I'm doing now (running especially) even after the office Biggest Loser ends next Monday.

Weight: 285.0
Exercise: I've been more consistent with the running (up to 2 miles, < 30 min, with 3 stretches of jogging 0.5 miles separated by fast walking). So that's going in the right direction, even if the weight is stalled out. Not sure what the weigh in later today will tell, but I feel heavy after a church brunch Saturday night. We'll see. --- Surprised, nice downward movement on the weight this week. I guess I'll see "see-saws" but the trend is in the right direction.

Weight: 289.5

Waist: 48 in



% Body Fat:
Last edited by BigDog on Fri May 18, 2007 1:25 pm, edited 15 times in total.
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Postby kramday » Sun Feb 11, 2007 9:49 pm

Weight: 230.5

Weight: 233

Weight: 233

Weight: 233

Weight: 229

Weight: 226

Weight: 223.5

Weight: 221.5

Weight: 221.5

Weight: 220

Weight: 215.8

Weight: 217.2

Weight: 214.8

Weight: 214.2

Weight: 217.6

Weight: 214.8

Weight: 214.8

Weight: 217.8

Weight: 215.8

Weight: 217.2

Weight: 206.2

Weight: 207.8

Weight: 206.8

Weight: 203.8

Weight: 204.8

Weight: 204

Weight: 200.8

Weight: 201.8

Weight: 201.8

Weight: 204.8

Weight: 202.4

Weight: 205.6

Weight: 207

Weight: 207.8

Weight: 209.4

Weight: 209.8

Weight: 211.6

Weight: 213

Weight: 214

Weight: 216.8

Weight: 217.6

Weight: 222

Weight: 224.5

Weight: 226

Weight: 228.5

Weight: 230
Last edited by kramday on Mon Dec 03, 2007 3:19 pm, edited 35 times in total.
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Postby Carlo » Mon Feb 12, 2007 10:23 am

Keep working at it Big Dog, the weight will come off, the cardio improvements are important too so your still making progress. :D
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Postby BigDog » Mon Feb 12, 2007 11:52 am

Thanks, apparently I wasn't as bad off as I'd feared. It's been a few years since I've been at 280 (weigh-in listed above -5 lbs for clothing). And I'm feeling better with the running, less like I'm about to cramp up any second, running longer segments with shorter walks in between. Going to the fitness center again in about 20 minutes and I think I'll try to run (jog) a full mile for the first time ever. It should be a challenge, but I think my body can handle it.
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Postby kramday » Mon Feb 12, 2007 1:09 pm

Good job Big Dog.

What other options do you have at the Fitness Center than running? Throwing in some variety can help a lot.
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Postby BigDog » Mon Feb 12, 2007 1:56 pm

I'll break from the running tomorrow and (if the schools don't close) I'll have basketball tomorrow night.

There are bikes, some weight machines, stair-steppers. I'll probably look at bringing in some weights periodically, but for cardio, I might try the stair-steppers. Those are always killer for me.
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Postby BigDog » Mon Feb 26, 2007 9:52 am

Bump. Posted final "Biggest Loser" Weigh-in
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Postby amerigoV » Fri Mar 02, 2007 8:03 am

bump for updated stats.
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Postby kramday » Fri Mar 02, 2007 10:20 am

Hey that is awesome. Great job.

My scale is once again teasing me with a 209 number. We'll see if it lasts through a second and third weighing. :)
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Postby amerigoV » Fri Mar 02, 2007 11:13 am

Thanks! I have been pleased with the overall progress. It has been relatively painless and would recommend it to others.

Had temptation yesterday - we all got talking about White Castle at work. I have a hankering for them about 2 times a year, and the Crave is starting to build.

So, I promised myself that if I get below 200, then I can have a few (better not have too many, the "ugh" feeling from McD's still haunts me and I know how I feel after WC...).
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Postby JO » Fri Mar 02, 2007 11:44 am

You guys are all doing so great!!! I am impressed with how much you have lost is such a short time. Keep up the good work!
The last thing I want to do is hurt you. But it's still on my list.

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Postby amerigoV » Fri Mar 02, 2007 12:06 pm

Thanks, Jo. I appreciate the support.

One of the things that always killed me with trying to loose weight is the prep work. You have to go to the store, plan meals, figure out what to do when travelling, etc. Given I tend to travel on the weekends, that means I have to either (1) have a grocery list ready for the store when I got back to Michigan or (2) eat badly as I probably will not go back out after a 3 hour drive. I have too much of a lazy streak when it comes to stuff like that.

This is so much easier. Meal planning is picking from a wide selection of pretty good food - all of which is ready in under 10m (median prep time is 1.5m - some of the pasta dishes are add boiling water and let stand for 8m) . I am on the auto-meal package -- which just means they automatically send food once a month (this can be customized as you learn what you like and do not like). Now, I do not need a grocery list -- I just pick up some fruits, veggies, whole grain bread, skim milk, and something to drink and I am done. Transportation of food is easy as well -it is all vacuum packed or dehydrated -- just throw a few items in a bag and go. The one area that I have shown discipline has been to drink diet softdrinks instead of the leaded versions.

So, in the big picture, I have replaced the pizza delivery guy with Nutrisystem. I have lost a steady 2lbs a week ever since.
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Postby amerigoV » Fri Mar 09, 2007 8:11 am

bump :conan:
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