April 100 Challenge

My attempt to Get Healthy (yet again)

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April 100 Challenge

Postby kramday » Sat Mar 31, 2007 6:01 pm

Last month's challenge can be seen here.

GOAL: Maintain the Healthy Habits, Add in More Core Work, Get Below 200 lbs.

COMMENT: For the first time during the challenge, I'm actually throwing a number out there. I would really like to get back on track this month, and that would get me below 200 lbs. I also need to come up with a couple of routines for the Core Work, as they have been somewhat hit or miss so far.

Monday: cardio 30 mins, WCC 60 in the evenings (includes Core Work)
Tuesday: cardio 30 mins, Yoga at WCC
Wednesday: cardio 30 mins
Thursday: cardio 30 mins, WCC 60 mins in evening
Friday: cardio 30 mins, Core Work
Saturday: WCC 60 mins or Bike Ride
Sunday: WCC 60 mins or Bike Ride

Four meals per day, one cheat meal per week.

WEIGHT: 207 pounds

WEIGHT: 201.8 pounds
BODY FAT: 27% from scale

Apr 3rd and 10th: The Yoga class doesn't start until the 17th, so no Yoga on these nights.
Apr 8th: This is Easter Sunday and I imagine the gym is closed. Depending on the weather I might try to get in a bike ride.
Apr 9th: We are gaming on this night, so I will not be going to gym.
Apr 14th: I have a massage scheduled for this day. Usually the massage makes it pretty hard to get to the gym.
Apr 16th: Another gaming night, so no gym.
Apr 19th: This is my dad's birthday, so it is going to be an extra cheat meal for the week. Updated: the dinner with my dad is on Saturday, the 21st.
Apr 30th: Another gaming night, so no gym.


APR 1: A pretty good start to the month. My scale teased me this morning, with an initial weight of 205.2, but then it decided I was really 207. I made it to the gym, for a pretty hard workout on the elliptical and stationary bike. For dinner, I went to visit my mom. She made salmon patties, though there was maybe little more oil and crackers and whatnot than I would have preferred. It was still pretty tasty and healthy (for the most part).
-0 points [100 points]

APR 2: I had another really good workout at the gym. I talked the Kludy's into going over and I once again hammered myself on the elliptical. I didn't do the stationary bike as well, but we did do some Core work on the ball and we did some push-ups with the wobble. That is always pretty rough.
-0 points [100 points]

APR 3: I didn't get on the Gazelle today, as it was just too nice temperature wise. Instead I went for a walk and that actually felt pretty good. My legs were pretty shot from the last two days on the elliptical anyway.
-0 points [100 points]

APR 4: I just could not make myself get on the Gazelle today. I think I am still feeling the effects of the two hard workouts on Sunday and Monday. My left hamstring in particular feels tight. I did do pretty well eating though.
-1 points [99 points]

APR 5: I went to get in my car to go to the gym tonight and noticed my passenger side tire was flat. A closer look showed that I had run over a screw. So no going to the gym tonight and I'll have to get that fixed tomorrow. I originally thought I would just get on the bike trainer, but that didn't happen.
-1 points [98 points]

APR 6: Well, after a couple of says of slacking, I made myself get on the Gazelle and do my stability ball crunches. It felt pretty good. I did have Chinese with Jeff for lunch, but it wasn't too bad.
-0 points [98 points]

APR 7: I guess I am still in the mode from last month where Saturdays were a day off. I also went to Cap City Diner with the Kludy's and had the cheat meal of a Philly Steak sandwich, fries, and a Guinness. Even though I'm not moving as much as I should be, I have been eating fairly well and the scale as been reflecting that.
-1 points [97 points]

APR 8: I didn't do anything today, but that was fine because the gym was closed for Easter and the weather was too crappy for a bike ride. I thought about getting the stationary bike out, but I decided to give myself another off day. I think I hammered myself last Sunday and Monday and it took a while to get to feeling normal. I will admit that the crappy weather is a factor as well. After being out on the bike a couple of times, getting on the trainer is a huge mental block.
-0 points [97 points]

APR 9: Today was pretty good. I got on the Gazelle today and managed to eat pretty well. I didn't snack much at gaming, which is sometimes a pitfall. So I'm pretty happy after a blah week last week.
-0 points [97 points]

APR 10: Since the Yoga class doesn't start until next week, technically I only had to do something during the day today. With the fairly decent weather and forecasts of rain, I decided to go for a walk instead of doing the Gazelle. Then, tonight I decided to go to the gym and hit the elliptical machine and stationary bike. The best part was particular stretching at the gym though, as my legs and back really needed that.
-0 points [97 points]

APR 11: I got on the Gazelle today and it was a really good workout. I really tried to concentrate on it, which isn't always something that I do.
-0 points [97 points]

APR 12: Once again, I really tried to concentrate on the Gazelle and it felt pretty good. Then I got the gym tonight and really hammered on the ellipitcal (30 mins) and stationary bike (15 mins). I don't really put a lot of stock in the calories burned number on the machines computers as a real, hard number. I do sometimes use it as a gauge of how one workout went compared to another. Tonight, between the two machines it said 499 calories which was pretty good feedback.
-0 points [97 points]

APR 13: Today was another good day. I got on the Gazelle, which felt pretty good. I did go to Bob Evans for a cheat meal, with their Farmer's Market omlette. Hopefully i can make it through the rest of the weekend eating healthy.
-0 points [97 points]

APR 14: As I mentioned in the exceptions, I had a massage today. It just isn't realistic that I'll get to the gym after that, but I did sit in my sauna for a while and I got on the Gazelle. So, it wasn't a completely sitting on the couch day.
-0 points [97 points]

APR 15: Another really good workout at the gym today. I did a half-hour on both the stationary bike and the elliptical. It felt pretty nice to actually get in the extra time on the bike, but I can't wait for some decent weather to get outside and ride.
-0 points [97 points]

APR 16: The small gaming group met tonight, so no going to the gym. Unfortunately I didn't get a chance to get on the Gazelle during work and was too spent to do after gaming.
-1 points [96 points]

APR 17: First night at the Yoga class. It was pretty challenging, but that isn't really that surprising. My cardio is pretty good at the moment, but I have been slacking on the strength training and my stretching has never been that good. Power Yoga should be good since it focuses on the strength and stretching.
-0 points [96 points]

APR 18: I didn't get on the Gazelle today, as I elected to mow my yard instead. Kind of a lazy day otherwise.
-0 points [96 points]

APR 19: I didn't get on the Gazelle today, again. I seem to really have lost that habit and need to work on that again. I also swapped out the gym for a bike ride, since the weather was really nice. I'm still looking forward to getting the road bike out, but the rides on the bike paths have been enjoyable as well.
Bike: 44 Mins 25 Secs: 10.49 Miles, Avg Speed: 14 MPH, Max Speed: 19.6 MPH.
-1 points [95 points]

APR 20: Today was pretty bad with the snacking. Also, it seems like I have been eating more this week. Nothing crazy like a pizza or fast food, just more often. I did manage to get on the Gazelle and do ball crunches though.
-1 points [94 points]

APR 20: I have been having trouble going to bed lately. I just haven't been feeling tired at night, until really late. I have been tired in the morning though, and that finally caught up with me today. I got up at 1pm, and then had some errands that I needed to do. I was kind of bummed, because the weather was gorgous and I really wanted to ride my bike. For supper, I went to Damon's for a cheat meal for my dad's birthday day. I ate a lot, including birthday cake, and then some more snacking at home later on.
-1 points [93 points]

APR 22: Well somewhat back on top of it today. I did manage to get on my bike, for the first long ride of the year. It felt really good, and neither the hills or the wind hammered me too much. Of course, my heartrate was pretty high the entire ride, easily around 160 if not higher for most of it.
Bike: 1 Hour 53 Mins 03 Secs: 29.96 Miles, Avg Speed: 15.9 MPH, Max Speed: 40.2 MPH.
-0 points [93 points]

APR 23: I did the Gazelle at lunch and went to the gym tonight. I was definitely feeling it from the bike ride, but still did 30 mins on the elliptical and 15 more on the stationary bike. Pretty pleased with the eating the last couple of days as well, especially after the snack attack from before.
-0 points [93 points]

APR 24: The second yoga class was pretty tough. It will be interesting to see how it works out with it only being once a week. I had a chiropractor appointment in the morning, which definitely was good after the bike ride. I tried to use the Gazelle as a warm-up for yoga, which is something that I had some luck with during volleyball. I do think it helped, but I'm not sure how much really.
-0 points [93 points]

APR 25: I got on the Gazelle at lunch today. I briefly thought about going to the gym tonight, but decided against it as I am fighting off the beginnings of a sore throat. :?
-0 points [93 points]

APR 26: With the sore throat starting yesterday, I decided to take the hit today and not exercise. My throat actually felt pretty good, but the weather is supposed to be decent this weekend, and I would rather not take any chances so I can get out on the bike then.
-1 points [92 points]

APR 27: I had pizza tonight, for my weekly cheat meal. I did get on the Gazelle today, but it was really hard to be focused.
-0 points [92 points]

APR 28: The weather wasn't great today, at least for riding a bike. It was just a little chilly and very windy. Still, it felt good to get out and ride today. The trick will be if I can actually get out there again tomorrow. I don't feel too bad at the moment though.
Bike: 1 Hours 53 Mins 40 Secs: 30.18 Miles, Avg Speed: 15.9 MPH, Max Speed: 37.5 MPH.
-0 points [92 points]

APR 29: Another really good day today. I got up and mowed my yard and did some other yard work for a couple of hours. Then I met a friend for lunch, Chinese, which was pretty tasty and I didn't feel that it qualified as a cheat meal. Then I got on my bike and did the bike path ride. My back is still a little tight, so I decided not to go for a ride on the road bike. The hybrid sits more upright, so there were no problems riding it. Plus, my legs felt surprisingly strong after yesterdays ride.
Bike: 41 Mins 59 Secs: 10.44 Miles, Avg Speed: 14.9 MPH, Max Speed: 19.8 MPH.
-0 points [92 points]

APR 30: I think I am completely off the Gazelle habit, as I had no desire to get on the thing today. No gym or bike riding because of gaming.
-1 points [91 points]
Last edited by kramday on Sun May 06, 2007 8:54 pm, edited 21 times in total.
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Postby BigDog » Sat Mar 31, 2007 8:17 pm

Okay, I have to do something. I'm just slipping backward in weight since the Biggest Loser ended. Haven't regained all my bad habits, but Vickie and I enable each other a lot, although I think I'm worse of the two.

GOAL: Maintain a Positive Attitude, Get solidly under 270 lbs, Run four times a week at least 2 miles each.

COMMENT: I flirted with 280 at the end of the biggest loser and I think I've floated up to around 285 since then. I need to get back in gear food-wise and get more consistent in my exercise. I'll set my goal for running, but be willing to substitute a heavy work day in the yard (hauling dirt, digging, etc.) for example. Once I get this routine re-established, I'll consider adding or switching off with some weights.

Monday: cardio > 2 miles within 30 mins, work up to running 2 miles straight.
Tuesday: cardio > 2 miles within 30 mins, work up to running 2 miles straight. While it lasts, also basketball unless my shoulder is still too messed up to play (50% this week).
Wednesday: break day
Thursday: cardio > 2 miles within 30 mins, work up to running 2 miles straight.
Friday: cardio > 2 miles within 30 mins, work up to running 2 miles straight.
Saturday: Break Day/Work at Home
Sunday: Break Day/Work at Home

Lunch (soup/sandwich, no "fries", no pretzels, 2 cookies max)
Dinner (healthy with Vickie, portion control eating out)
Evening Snack (small, healthy if possible)
One Cheat Meal per week
Friday night is Individual Pizza Night from Donatos. (New house tradition)
0-1 times a weekend is time to go to the movies. I shouldn't eat anything there, so I'll make that my expectation. Just drink water.

WEIGHT: 275 (home analog scale, 9am before eating)
BODY FAT: 32% (measured 5pm, 4/5/07, Mark's house)
WAIST (in):


Basketball Tuesday Nights Numbers have been dropping, but we've had 5-on-5 so far. It may go past the end of April if the school lets us and we have numbers. Otherwise, I think this disappears after April.
Apr 9th: Gaming Night, say no more.
Apr 14th: Dinner party eating Scandanavian "Aftins", probably won't have much control over portions with people we don't know well and are being polite and social with.
Apr 21st: St. Peter's Bridge, buffet food, tough to resist, though I have done it before. I'll make it an exception and try to resist (eat dinner before I go)


-0 points [100 points]
275.0 lbs (home scale)
Ran 1.8 miles, morning treadmill
Soup & salad lunch

-1 points [99 points]
Ran 2.3 miles; first 2.0 miles in 27:45 (13.9 min mile)
Good lunch (soup, grilled chicken sandwich)
Snacked like a fiend in the evening (NCAA Bball championship)

-1 point [98 points]
Then I snacked like a fiend at work (evil, evil vending machines...)
Ran 2.3 miles; first 2.0 miles in 27:55

-1 point [97 points]
More late night snacking
Expected day off from running

0 point [97 points]
Ran 2.5 miles in 33min for 13:12min avg pace.
In that, I ran 1.0, 0.5 at 12:00min pace; 1.0 avg 15:00min pace
Did okay with food for once.

0 point [97 points]
Wt at work: 281.0 (with shoes, jeans, etc.)
Wt at home: 273.0
Ran 2.25 miles in 30min for 13:20min avg pace.
In that, I ran 1.25, 0.2, 0.3 at the 12:00min pace.

0 point [97 points]
No exercise today (as planned)

-1 point [96 points]
Overate at Easter Brunch
No exercise today (as planned)

0 point [96 points]
Weight at work: 280.0
Weight at home: 272.0? (Home scale is spring-type and depending on how you stand on it, you get different readings. So I assume I lost a little bit in the last week. Maybe the steady running is helping.)
Ran 2.3 miles in 30min for about 13:00min avg pace.
In that, I ran 1.5 at the 12:00min pace (longest ever) and 0.4 between 12/13min pace.
Tonight is Gaming

0 point [96 points]
Good eating
Run 2.21 miles in 30min
In that, I ran 1.5 at the 12:00min pace.

0 point [96 points]
okay eating, scheduled day off from exercise, on a business trip.

-2 points [94 points]
Ate too much at the airport traveling home and found no time to exercise.

-1 point [93 points]
Ate a lot at "Dinner Club Night". Didn't have it as an expected exception so it goes here.
Ran 2.1 miles in 30 minutes, 0.5 miles at 12:00min pace, short burts.
Felt crappy from all the work-travel eating and being off two days. But I ran.

0 points [93 points]
"Aftins" dinner exception. Ugh, just eating horribly lately, gotta pull out of the tail-spin.
No expected exercise, but mowed the whole yard and word the electric drain tile-cleaning 'eel' which was a workout.

0 points [93 points]
Ate properly, didn't snack after dinner (and thus slept well, finally)
Took dogs for a long walk with Vickie which was bonus exercise.
Working the mower and that electric eel may have set me back with my shoulder healing, but it'll heal when it heals.

-1 points [92 points]
Weight at work: 284.5
Weight at home: 275.0
Running: 30min+, 2.21miles. Very hard to run, surprisingly. Didn't eat anything before I ran which is different (new work schedule) so maybe I didn't have enough gas in the tank...
So my rich eating over most of the previous 7 days really had an impact on my weight (as well as missing one day of running). I'll try not to let that happen again.... (Okay, I snacked bad last night. Don't know why I've lost my resolution on that stuff. Ticking me off. Gotta try harder. Looks like I'll get "low score" this month...)

0 points [92 points]
Running: 30min, 2.15miles. Very hard to run for stretches. Don't know if its the overeating, not enough sleep, work stress, or some sort of bronchial crud I'm resisting.
Decent lunch, ate a breakfast but am still okay with no vending machine food, etc. back on track, back on track, back on track...

Life edging back toward healthy-normal.
0 points [92 points]
Home Weigh-in: 273.0 (edging down)
Small pizza for dinner on my own. Day off from exercising.

-1 points [91 points]
No snacking at work, no running as I expected to lunch with G-Money and didn't have my gear with me when he had to cancel. I will run tonight at home.

-1 point [90 points]
Food excellent, no running

0 point [90 points]
Mowed yard (2.5 hrs) other outdoor work.
Indulged in too much buffet eating at St. Peter's but that was a known exception.

0 point [90 points]
2.5 mile walk/run outside
okay eating

0 point [90 points]
Work Weight: 280.0 -> Infer Home Weight 277.0
Ran: 2.22miles/30 min; 1 mile at 11:45min pace, 1.22 miles at 15:00min pace. 420calories burned.
Good food.

0 point [90 points]
Home Weight 275.0
2.0 mile walk outside with dogs
okay eating

0 point [90 points]
Ran: 2.07miles/30 min; 1 mile at 11:20min pace.
okay eating

0 point [90 points]
Ran: 1.5miles at 12:00min pace, 2.00miles/27:00min total (I feel crushed right now, very difficult run to reach 1.5 miles straight. Not sure if I'll make my goal of 2.0 miles straight in April.)
Eating: okay so far.

-2 point [88 points]
Slacked off and didn't exercise.
My eating wasn't insane but it really is not where I want to be with it.

0 point [88 points]
Worked in the yard (3+ hrs of walk-behind mowing) so that's a plus
Eating okay.

0 point [88 points]
Bike ride for ~5 miles, a plus.
Eating okay.

0 point [88 points]
Weight (home): 275.0 (0% change this month)
Ran: 2.0 miles at 12:00min pace, 2.24miles in 30min (13:24min pace overall)
Eating good.
Last edited by BigDog on Mon Apr 30, 2007 12:19 pm, edited 20 times in total.
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Postby JO » Sat Mar 31, 2007 10:11 pm

GOAL: Maintain a Positive Attitude, Get back on track, Feel better about myself

COMMENT: I decided to get in on it this month even though I will be gone the last week. I need something else to motivate me and I hope this will help.

Monday: Work out at Curves
Tuesday: Normal house work, add to that yard work and play with kids outside
Wednesday: Work out at Curves
Thursday: Work out at Curves
Friday: Take kids for bike ride or walk to park with kids
Saturday: Curves/Work at house
Sunday: Work at Home/Family Time

Healthy Snack
Night Snack
Out to Dinner once a week with family

BODY FAT%: 33%
I'll find out about both on Monday at Curves



Apr 9th: Gaming Night
Apr 24th - May 2nd: Trip to Paris, probably will eat a lot of bread and cheese but the walking should counter some of it.
Update: April 13 - Dinner out with Dining Group


Not to bad considering we worked on the bathroom all day. Afternoon snack was more like what I want for evening 1/4 cup chocolate covered raisins. Could have been worst since I was fuming mad at Mark and tend to stuff sweets in my mouth when I am angry.
-1 points [99 points]

Made it to Curves and had a great workout. Went out shopping and walked Tuttle Mall 1 1/2 times not to mention strolling through stores. Worked on the bathroom (chiseled out a small strip of sub-flooring, hard fun work that left me sweating and practiced my soldering). Turkey burger, no cheese with a salad for lunch. Late dinner because of bathroom remodel - veggie pizza, low cheese. Though I did good on exercise, could have been better on eating.
-1 points [98 points]

Eat well today. Did situps, leg lifts and stretches at home. I am trying to take Mark D's advise to find something I can do at home.
-0 points [98 points]

Worked out and ate well.
-0 points [98 points]

Made cookies in the morning - didn't eat any. Picked up the kids from my mom in Coschoton at McD's - had half of a grilled chicken sandwich, no mayo, no fries. However, didn't get time at Curves or do anything at home. Ate a good dinner with one cookie for dessert. If I had only worked out...
-1 point [97 point]

William sick all day, sat with him on my lap on the couch alot. No chance to go for a walk. Ate well, made popcorn for the kids and did eat any! Big accomplishment.
-1 point [96 points]

-0 points [97points]

No exercise but did help with the shower hauling. Eat well at Easter dinner.
- 0 points [97 points]

Monday weigh in - 176lbs
Gaming night. Eat really well all day and had a great work out at Curves.
- 0 points [97 points]

Wow, did a ton of house work. Went up and down stairs a hundred times always carrying something heavy. Eat really well.
- 0 points [97 points]

Damn kids! Nic came down with an eye infection so he couldn't go to school which blew my workout since I was babysitting a friends kids tonight. Ate well though and didn't take my frustration out in food.
-1 points [96 points]

Everyone back at school. Great workout, didn't come down from the high most of the afternoon and ran about the house doing work. Ate well, proud of myself.
-0 point [96 point]

Did not get the chance to exercise. Next month I need to put "weather dependent" on days I plan to exercise outside (bike or walk). Had a fabulous meal at Doc Henderson's with BigDog, Vickie, Mark and the Hines.
-1 point [95 points]

I went to Curves but found out I had the wrong time for when it opened. Since we had 2 soccer games that morning I was unable to go back before it closed. Did well on eating.
-1 point [94 points]

Did work around the house. Went to Meet the Robinsons with the family. Sat with a big bucket of popcorn right beside me but didn't eat even one piece - yea me! My knee is killing me.
-0 points [94 points]

The brace I bought for my knee is helping. Went to Curves and did all upper body, kept my heart rate up for 25 minutes. Ate well, met old friends from Florida at Cap City and did well by sharing with Mark and picking well.
-0 points [94 points]

-0 points [94 points]

-0 points [94 points]

OK, I really did it now. My knee is screwed, think I slept on it bad or turned it in the night but could barely walk today. Went to the DR.s and he gave me meds and told me to wear the brace all the time now. Ate like crap because I was so mad (Steak & Shake burger, ice cream at Handel, a lot of golden oreos, etc)
-1 point [93 points]

I am SOOOO bummed. My knee is a little better but still very sore. Paris is in only 5 days DAMMIT!
-1 points [92 points]

Sat on my butt most of the day with my leg up. However, I now have a sinus infections from sanding a wood table top without a respirator on Fri. My knee hurt too much to climb the steps to the Master bath where I had forgotten the mask, been there two times already and couldn't do it a third time. There is one great thing about having a sister who can call in RX, I now have antibiotics from my sinuses. What will fall apart next!
-1 point [91 points]
Last edited by JO on Wed May 09, 2007 1:15 pm, edited 19 times in total.
The last thing I want to do is hurt you. But it's still on my list.

Lord, grant me the Serenity. Just that, just grant me the Serenity. I'll take care of the rest! Shiny!
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Postby JO » Sat Mar 31, 2007 10:15 pm

Mark, I know you had sent the information about how to do this but not sure where it is. Please point me in the right direction. Thanks
The last thing I want to do is hurt you. But it's still on my list.

Lord, grant me the Serenity. Just that, just grant me the Serenity. I'll take care of the rest! Shiny!
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Postby kramday » Sat Mar 31, 2007 10:40 pm

This is probably the best description on the site.


Basically, you look at the things that you committed to at the beginning of your post (Monday at Curves for example). If you don't do what you committed to, then you lose a point. For me, the two areas that I really track at the workouts and the eating. I allow myself one cheat meal each week, which is roughly defined by me as fast food or excessive snacking (gaming nights can be a bitch as a result). I don't count all fast food as a bad meal, but it is really how strict you want to be. For example, if I go to Taco Bell and get two bean burritos, then I don't count that.

The other thing is the exceptions. If you know the kids are home from school on a certain day and you won't be able to go to Curves, then list that. It really does need to be something scheduled though, rather than adding the exception the night before when one of the kids is sick.

Feel free to ask any other questions that you might have, and take a look at my Challenges for the other months as well.
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Postby JO » Sun Apr 01, 2007 2:55 pm

The exception is the tricky part. I always plan to go to Curves. The only thing that stops me is sick kid and since that can't be planned ahead of time I am unable to put that on the exception list. What I need to do is make Mark come home early those days and force myself out in the evening. I have never been good at the late day workout but that will have to change. Thanks for the help.
The last thing I want to do is hurt you. But it's still on my list.

Lord, grant me the Serenity. Just that, just grant me the Serenity. I'll take care of the rest! Shiny!
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Postby kramday » Sun Apr 01, 2007 4:06 pm

Yeah, that is how it is supposed to work. It tries to force you to examine the things that come up in life and see if you can work around it. The other thing that you can do is see if you can come up with something at home to replace Curves. Even if I have the gym listed on a day, I don't ding myself if I go for a bike ride on that day instead. It does need to be something of a similar intensity though.

Good luck!!
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Postby kramday » Wed Apr 04, 2007 12:42 pm

I was going to keep the questions in the Misc Thoughts thread, but since there are more people doing the Challenge this month I figured they are fine here.

Big--For your running, do you have any idea what your split times are? In particular, I am curious about the split between the first and second miles. I never really worried about splits on the bike, but that was mainly because the bike computer didn't track them. However, at the beginning of the year I would see my average speed number slowly creep down the longer the ride went. Toward the end of the year that wasn't happening and that was great for my motivation to keep riding.
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Postby BigDog » Wed Apr 04, 2007 1:21 pm

kramday wrote:Big--For your running, do you have any idea what your split times are? In particular, I am curious about the split between the first and second miles. I never really worried about splits on the bike, but that was mainly because the bike computer didn't track them. However, at the beginning of the year I would see my average speed number slowly creep down the longer the ride went. Toward the end of the year that wasn't happening and that was great for my motivation to keep riding.

Don't really know the split times, although the first is certainly faster than the second (higher percentage of running vs. walking). I'm trying to get up to two miles straight at a run. I've done a mile before, but lately have only been able to get myself up to .5 or .75 a mile at at time. So now I'm going to lengthen the overall distance in an effort to force myself to run more and still get back to my desk in a reasonable amount of time...
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Postby kramday » Wed Apr 04, 2007 6:13 pm

Let me know if you are interested and I'll let you have my old stop watch. I bought it when we were working out at Worlds, all those many years ago. Now I have one in my watch (which is also a HR monitor and something else that I might recommend), so you can have the old one if you like.
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Postby BigDog » Wed Apr 04, 2007 7:29 pm

That's cool. I was thinking of stopped by for the fat measuring scales from hell. What's your schedule look like late afternoon tomorrow? (4,5 or so)
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Postby kramday » Wed Apr 04, 2007 7:58 pm

Tomorrow afternoon should be fine. I don't have any conference calls scheduled then, so feel free to stop by.
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Postby JO » Tue Apr 10, 2007 9:01 pm

This challenge has done a lot to keep me on target. Didn't think it would work this well. I find that I really asking myself if I want something and if I really want to admit to you guys that I ate it. Now, I now my body and realize that I am on the downturn in an eating cycle (yes, it is related to the normal "cycle"). But hopefully I can keep this self realization up. Thanks for starting this, though in a couple weeks I may be cursing you. :wink:
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Postby kramday » Tue Apr 10, 2007 10:49 pm

I am glad to hear that it is working for you. I think it is a good combo of the daily plan, the commitment to record it, and the accountability of posting it in a public place.

Good luck with the rest of the month.
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Postby Carlo » Wed Apr 11, 2007 9:14 am

Thats ok, all women curse all men on that cyclical plan :D

The log is helping me. Shows me when I'm slacking off and shames me into working out. :D

I'll post it after the first month is done.
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