June 100 Challenge

My attempt to Get Healthy (yet again)

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June 100 Challenge

Postby kramday » Thu May 31, 2007 12:09 pm

Last month's challenge can be seen here.

GOAL: Do Tour de Cure and log at least 350 miles for the month.

COMMENT: I've given up on putting the damn 200 lbs goal. I'm just going to ride my bike this month and hopefully play some sand volleyball. The weight is going to be whatever it is.

Monday: Rest day
Tuesday: WCC or Bike Ride (20-30 miles)
Wednesday: Bike Ride (20-30 miles)
Thursday: Rest day
Friday: Sand volleyball (hopefully the group will start meeting)
Saturday: WCC 60 mins or Bike Ride (20-30 miles)
Sunday: WCC 60 mins or Bike Ride (20-30 miles)

Four meals per day, one cheat meal per week.

WEIGHT: 203.8 pounds


June 9th: Massage scheduled this day, so I'm planning on taking this as a rest day.
June 15th: This is the day before the Tour de Cure, so I'm not playing sand volleyball.
June 17th: This is the day after the Tour de Cure, so I'm planning on taking this as a rest day.


JUNE 1: We played sand volleyball tonight. It was alot of fun, but the turn out was pretty low, so it was a lot of hard work even though we didn't play all that long. Hopefully we keep playing throughout the summer and that will eventually have better turn out.
-0 points [100 points]

JUNE 2: Feeling really lazy today. Part of it is the heat and humidity, and part of it was being a little sore from volleyball.
-1 points [99 points]

JUNE 3: No volleyball excuse today, but I am definitely feeling lazy. It is definitely the heat and humidity today. I was soaked with sweat after mowing the yard, and just sat in the house enjoying the AC for the rest of the day.
-1 points [98 points]

JUNE 4: Scheduled gaming night, so no exercise. Snacking was kind of bad, as the bag of pretzels ended up sitting in front of me.
-0 points [98 points]

JUNE 5: This was supposed to be the last yoga class of the session, but I skipped it again and just did the elliptical machine and stationary bike. I'm not writing yoga off as an activity, but the Power Yoga thing wasn't what I wanted and/or needed at the moment.
-0 points [98 points]

JUNE 6: The lazy streak continues, as I blew off the bike club ride tonight. I could offer a half-ass excuse about being tired after baby sitting my nephew, but the truth is I just didn't want to get off the couch.
-1 points [97 points]

JUNE 7: Well, I didn't do anything tonight, but at least it was a rest day.
-0 points [97 points]

JUNE 8: I did go to the park to play sand volleyball tonight. Turn out was pretty low, so it wasn't very intense.
-0 points [97 points]

JUNE 9: Sitting on the couch and not riding. Need to get back into gear with this, but just not happening at the moment.
-1 points [96 points]

JUNE 10: I'm resting up for the Tour de Cure ride, that is it. I don't know why, but I really had no desire to get on the bike at all today.
-1 points [95 points]

JUNE 11: Not that I really needed a day off, but nothing scheduled today so I didn't do anything.
-0 points [97 points]

JUNE 12: I went to the gym tonight with Chris and Jen, and actually lifted. I haven't actually lifted in forever, and it felt pretty good.
-0 points [97 points]

JUNE 13: I made it to the WBC ride tonight, though the weather was iffy. I never actually got rained on, but it was pretty windy throughout the ride. Still, felt pretty good to get back on the back.
Bike: 1 Hour 43 Mins 46 Secs Distance: 28.55 Miles, Avg Speed: 16.5 MPH, Max Speed: 35.9 MPH.
-0 points [97 points]

JUNE 14: Back to the off days, but at least it was scheduled.
-0 points [97 points]

JUNE 15: Rest day to prep for the Tour de Cure tomorrow. Not a whole lot to report.
-0 points [97 points]

JUNE 16: Today was the big ride. It actually went a lot better than I was expecting, even the amount of sitting on the couch I have done lately. I'm pretty sure that the average speed represents a personal best for any ride over 10 miles. In fact, I think it is the first time I have cracked the 17 MPH line for an average on any of my non-"time trial" rides. The weather was nice, not being crazily hot or too windy, which helped a lot. My legs felt pretty good until about the 37 mile mark, when there is a series of rolling hills and then a pretty big hill at around 42 miles. Still, at least this year I knew they were there. Last year, they came out of nowhere and really put a hurt on me. Speaking of last year, I took about 18 minutes off that time, so I was very pleased.
Bike: 3 Hours 43 Mins 49 Secs Distance: 64.33 Miles, Avg Speed: 17.2 MPH, Max Speed: 33.2 MPH (Stats from last year for comparison: 4 Hours 01 Mins 34 Secs Distance: 64.21 Miles, Avg Speed: 15.9 MPH, Max Speed: 34.1 MPH)
-0 points [97 points]

JUNE 17: I didn't really feel too badly today, after yesterday's ride. But I was a little sore and pretty tired still. So, I took today off as the planned exception.
-0 points [97 points]

JUNE 18: I went for a walk today, and my back really tightened up. I have a chiropractor appointment tomorrow, which should fix the issue. Still it is a good thing that this is an off day.
-0 points [97 points]

JUNE 19: I felt fine after the chiropractor appointment, so I did go to the gym tonight. I didn't lift though, as that probably had the biggest chance of counter acting the adjustment. Instead I just did the ellipitcal, stationary bike, and stretched. Overall, it was a very solid workout.
-0 points [97 points]

JUNE 20: A most excellent ride tonight with the club. I ended up in a group with four others and they were just flying. There were a couple of times that I thought I might slip off the back of the group, but I always managed to maintain contact. I felt really strong, even going up the big hill at the end after riding so fast for most of the ride.
Bike: 2 Hours 26 Mins 34 Secs Distance: 42.71 Miles, Avg Speed: 17.5 MPH, Max Speed: 31.0 MPH
-0 points [97 points]

JUNE 21:
-0 points [97 points]
Last edited by kramday on Mon Sep 03, 2007 11:50 am, edited 8 times in total.
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Re: June 100 Challenge

Postby BigDog » Thu May 31, 2007 12:38 pm

Last month's challenge can be seen here.

273 on scale this morning (which I think is lying as I've been between 275 and 280 for awhile, but I'll accept the positive direction).

Ran 2.11 miles in 30min (14:12min pace) with 1 mile straight at 11:32min pace.

Let's see, 30days in June, 21 weekdays. I think I'll approach this from the other end a little bit.

Run at work 13 times. (Avg 3/week)
Exercise at least once on weekend (heavy yardwork/construction/long walks or bike rides/run)
Play tennis (singles ladder 1/2weeks; doubles 1/2weeks?)
Get solidly under 270 in weight by June 30th

COMMENT: I've not ballooned up in weight and likely have kept around 275 on average in May. But I didn't lose any and didn't seem to increase my running stamina (business travel didn't help). I need to shed more pounds for health reasons so I'm still going to keep a weight goal involved. A lot of my problem is I get into the habit of buying snacks, either going to work, coming from work, at the vending machines, etc. Dumb calories and expensive. I'll try to not do much of that.

Monday: Run at work (Min. 2.5 miles, 1mi at run)
Tuesday: Run at work (Min. 2.5 miles, 1mi at run)
Wednesday: Possible evening doubles tennis/rest day
Thursday: Run at work (Min. 2.5 miles, 1mi at run)
Friday: Run at work (Min. 2.5 miles, 1mi at run)
Saturday: Outdoor work/run/long ride/long walk/tennis
Sunday: Rest Day (sat/sun may flip)

Generally little or nothing for breakfast
Lunch after working out (veggie soups, sandwiches)
Dinner at home
Juice bar or something for snack

WEIGHT: 273.0 pounds


June 4th: Gaming Night, may eat more or dinner on road.
June 16th: 12th anniversary, lunch at Biddie's might miss exercise goals.
June 17th: Father's Day, lunch might be a diet exception.
June 23rd: Cookout/Buffet, off eating schedule.
June 24th: UU Bridge, snacking at bridge?


Total Runs: 0
Home Weight:
How well Eating: Ate okay
-0 points [100 points]

Total Runs: 0
Home Weight:
How well Eating: Ate okay.
Working hard at the house.
-0 points [100 points]

Total Runs: 0
Home Weight:
How well Eating: Ate well.
Working hard at the house.
-0 points [100 points]

Total Runs: 0
How well Eating: Even with exemption I ate in my car twice and ate too much.
-1 points [99 points]

Total Runs: 1 (12 left)
- 2.5mi, 33:50min = 13:30min overall pace
- 1.0mi, 0.2, 0.2 at 11:32min pace
- 450 calories
Home Weight: 275.0
How well Eating: eating well
-1 points [99 points]

Total Runs: 1 (12 left)
How well Eating: on the road getting Mike from OU, snacked and ate poorly, no time to run today because of workload. Maybe tonight at home.
-2 points [98 points]

Total Runs: 1 (12 left)
How well Eating: Didn't eat much early on then snacked, overall neutral. Not feeling great, didn't run, work overload.
-2 points [98 points]

Total Runs: 1 (12 left)
How well Eating: <comment>
Still not feeling well, might have a running-related issue, so no run today. Eating well so far.
-2 points [98 points]

Total Runs: 1 (12 left)
Decent labor in the yard for exercise, walked dogs.
How well Eating: <comment>
-2 points [98 points]

JUNE 10:
Total Runs: 1 (12 left)
Decent labor in the yard for exercise, walked dogs.
How well Eating: Snacky Weekend
-3 points [97 points]

JUNE 11:
Total Runs: 2 (11 left)
Ran 1.78 miles in 25:00min (14:00min pace), ran 1mi of it at 11:19min
Did 25 situps.
Home Weight: 275
How well Eating: Haven't gotten much better on eating, still holding own on weight. Injury has kept me from running much the last week and I'm trying not to hurt myself as I work back into it (hence today's shorter run time).
-3 points [97 points]

JUNE 12:
Total Runs: 3 (10 left)
- work kept me from the gym, but I ran at home tonight.
2.0 miles in 30 minutes, 1 mile at 14:00min pace.
How well Eating: Not bad.
-3 points [97 points]

JUNE 13:
Total Runs: 3 (10 left)
Home Weight:
How well Eating: Still binge snacking, gotta cut it out.
Played 1.5 hours of singles and doubles tennis, yes!
-3 points [97 points]

JUNE 14:
Total Runs: 3 (10 left)
Home Weight: (Dr Weight 278.0, in clothes, has been higher)
How well Eating: Not great, worth a point off by now.
My body is conspiring against me. I've got a back/chest/rib pain thing that isn't going away. Saw the Dr. today and she told me to just rest it for a week. If it doesn't go away (it will have been 4 weeks total), I'll need an x-ray, etc. She thinks its skeletal or muscular, not a serious organ thing, but there goes another 7 days of running out the window. Just trying to not get discouraged...
-4 points [96 points]

JUNE 15:
Total Runs: 3 (10 left)
Home Weight: 0
How well Eating: <comment>
-4 points [96 points]

JUNE 16:
Total Runs: 3 (10 left)
Home Weight: 0
How well Eating: <comment>
-4 points [96 points]

JUNE 17:
Total Runs: 3 (10 left)
Home Weight: 0
How well Eating: <comment>
-4 points [96 points]

JUNE 18:
Total Runs: 3 (10 left)
Home Weight: 273.0 (a tick downward even without being able to run!)
How well Eating: <comment>
-4 points [96 points]

JUNE 19:
Total Runs: 3 (10 left)
Walked 1.5 miles 25min
How well Eating: okay
-4 points [96 points]

JUNE 20:
Total Runs: 3 (10 left)
Home Weight:
How well Eating: okay
-4 points [96 points]

JUNE 21:
Total Runs: 3 (10 left)
Home Weight: 273.0
How well Eating: <comment>
-4 points [96 points]

JUNE 22:
Worked from home to help Vickie deal with contractors.
Total Runs: 3 (10 left)
Home Weight: 0
How well Eating: <comment>
-4 points [96 points]

JUNE 23:
Ate at Vickie's Brother's cookout. Used my exemption to its fullest. :oops:
Worked around the house, lifting/hauling.
Total Runs: 3 (10 left)
Home Weight: 0
How well Eating: <comment>
-4 points [96 points]

JUNE 24:
Total Runs: 3 (10 left)
1 hr Tennis (Two matches, 1-6,0-6 :shock: )
Lots of lifting and hauling in the house.
How well Eating: Pretty well.
-4 points [96 points]

JUNE 25: Monday
Total Runs: 4 (9 left)
- 2.0mi 29:00min (Xrays showed no damage, so I'm easing back into exercise. Won't reach my 13 runs in June goal, but ah well, I'll do what I can)
Home Weight: 278.0
How well Eating: Still not very constrained, take a point.
-5 points [95 points]

JUNE 26:
Total Runs: 0
Home Weight: 0
How well Eating: <comment>
-5 points [95 points]

JUNE 27:
Total Runs: 0
Home Weight: 0
How well Eating: <comment>
-5 points [95 points]

JUNE 28:
Total Runs: 0
Home Weight: 0
How well Eating: <comment>
-5 points [95 points]

JUNE 29:
Total Runs: 0
Home Weight: 0
How well Eating: <comment>
-5 points [95 points]

JUNE 30:
Total Runs: 0
Home Weight: 0
How well Eating: <comment>
-5 points [95 points]
Last edited by BigDog on Mon Jun 25, 2007 12:37 pm, edited 10 times in total.
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Postby JO » Thu May 31, 2007 9:18 pm

Keep on, keepin' on! Get to Curves at least 3 days a week, 4 would be better. Take the kids to the pool and do laps during rest period.


I am really noticing the muscles on my arms this month. It is nice to see results even if the scale is mum. Well, summer is here which means so are the kids and my usual workout is in the toilet. Gotta say this sucks! I have to be extra firm with myself. This month (and the other non-school months) I will not write up a definite schedule
A. Because I need to work it around Mark's work, which is not always consistent, so that one of us is home with the kids.
B. Things get crazy over the summer with events popping up or friends coming by. I don't want to beat myself up if I don't do the things as I have planned out.

Monday - Friday: work out at Curves 3xs; go to pool 2xs and swim laps during rest period
Saturday: Do Curves circuit; work at house or have Family Fun
Sunday: Work at house or have Family Fun

Three meals a day, two snacks (one healthy, one sweet), one cheat meal per week

WEIGHT: 174.4 lbs
BODY FAT:32.8%
(I think I need to go back to Paris seeing as my BF and Lbs were much lower after our trip.) :D

June 4th - Gaming Night (snackies)
June 7th - Boy Scout Picnic (BBQ/potluck)
June 17th - Father's Day (nothing planned, doesn't mean a damn thing)
June 29-30th - Penciled in family campout


Morning workout at Curves. Got my stats for the month. Stayed active all day. Liked that I can now run up to the third floor without dieing.
-0 [100 points]

Morning workout at Curves. Went to pool after dinner where I swam laps.
-0 [100 points]

Work around house, scrubbed deck, cleaned house. Cookout with neighbors eat well enough.
-0 [100 points]

Morning workout at Curves. Planted two flats of impatients, three shrubs, four pots of flowers and two tomato plant. Exhausted! And to the two beers and gaming night full of carrots and twizzlers! But I have my meal exception. Hurrah!
-0 [100 points]

Break day, looking for Solaria fan fiction.
-0 [100 points]

Last day of school, kids 24/7... have to watch out for the calories from beer and hard liquor :D Snacked way too much.
-1 [99 points]

Morning workout at Curves. Took kids to TMNT at Carriage Place. Hurrah for the cheap theaters. I took pretzels and water for me to munch while the skinny little @#$%^ had popcorn. :D Cub Scout end of year picnic. Guess what, I volunteered to be a Den Leader next year!
-0 [99 points]

Worked in yard but was a snack queen.
-1 [98 points]

Missed my Sat morning Curves workout, worked in yard instead. Rode my bike a little and realized I need to get out on it more this summer (without the kids).
-0 [98 points]

Wow, it's amazing how I can be busy doing nothing all day.
-1 [97 points]

Late morning workout at Curves. Kids at my friends all day. Ate well.
-0 [97 points]

Break day. Grocery shopping, shared a grilled chicken salad with Caroline at McD's, grilled chicken for dinner. Did well.
-0 [97 points]

Early morning workout at Curves. Kid swap with my friend who had mine on Monday. Could spell disaster...let's watch... Not bad despite the 5 annoying children I had today.
-0 [97 points]


Early morning workout at Curves. Ate well
-0 [97 points]

Break day. Cleaned the house. Yelled at kids. Mark made chicken on grill.
-0 [97 points]

Morning workout at Curves. Had a great time. Bought mulch and lay down 12 bags, watered and played a lot of baseball. Noticing I have a lot of snap in my step. Wonderful night with my family , we went to a reservoir park- the kids were sweet and cute (doesn't always happen). Ate well all day. However, 3 Kaulha and milk, flying high, gotta give myself a minus for the calories but they were worth it.
-1 [96 points]

Mark and I each took turns going on a bike ride around the neighborhood. Not sure how long, maybe 2 miles or more. Spent the day in the yard, 15 bags of mulch in 3 bed. Front of the house is now done, except for the new front storm door which will go in in the next 3 weeks. Steak, shrimp, baked potatoes, salad, broccoli and wine for Father's Day. Meal exception.
-0 [96 points]

Started the summer hustle. Nic in a day camp, Caroline and William in swimming lessons, watched my friends two little boys. I am seeing a good deal of the inside of my car this week. Evening workout at Curves then the rest of the night off to read at Caribou coffee. Very snacky today though I did will for my meals.
-1 [95 points]

Break day for exercise. Quiet at home but I am not getting anything done. Feel like a slug in the housework department. Eating better.
-1 [95 points]

Evening Curves workout. Taking my burrito bol lunch at Chipotle as a cheat meal though I did not add sour cream, cheese, or gauc just ate way too much!
-0 [95 points]
Last edited by JO on Wed Jun 20, 2007 9:37 pm, edited 4 times in total.
The last thing I want to do is hurt you. But it's still on my list.

Lord, grant me the Serenity. Just that, just grant me the Serenity. I'll take care of the rest! Shiny!
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Postby JO » Sat Jun 16, 2007 10:19 pm

Sorry to hear you are having problems. Jim. Good luck!
The last thing I want to do is hurt you. But it's still on my list.

Lord, grant me the Serenity. Just that, just grant me the Serenity. I'll take care of the rest! Shiny!
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Postby JO » Tue Jun 19, 2007 10:06 pm

Way to go Mark. Glad to hear your ride went so well.
The last thing I want to do is hurt you. But it's still on my list.

Lord, grant me the Serenity. Just that, just grant me the Serenity. I'll take care of the rest! Shiny!
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Postby kramday » Tue Jun 19, 2007 10:32 pm

JO wrote:Way to go Mark. Glad to hear your ride went so well.

Thanks. I had chiropractor appointment today, and I definitely needed it. But the ride itself was really good.
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Postby kramday » Thu Jun 21, 2007 12:53 pm


Any news on your injury? Are you able to start running again?
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Postby BigDog » Thu Jun 21, 2007 1:06 pm

Both the exam and the X-rays were negative and my doctor is now out of town until the start of July. The backup doctor said take it easy and slow and basically, call us back if you still think its a problem later. (Translation: We don't know, don't call us again unless you're dying...)

So, it isn't getting better, and all they did was, hopefully, eliminate BAD answers to "what is it?" leaving just the question. I guess its a combination of muscle pulls or something in places that I'm either not resting or just take forever to heal.

I'm going walk daily and at some point I'll just say 'F it' and run again. Disappointed that I missed tennis last night in trying to 'take it easy'.
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Postby kramday » Thu Jun 21, 2007 1:13 pm

Have you tried doing something like a stationary bike or elliptical machine? I just wonder if something "non-impact" would be less of a strain on you.
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Postby BigDog » Thu Jun 21, 2007 1:18 pm

That might be the right way to go, although mentally and motivationally I'm focused on the running so it will be tough to switch up.

My other focus of the summer is tennis which I doubt is good on those muscles either. Oy, when the gawds conspire against us...
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Postby kramday » Thu Jun 21, 2007 1:22 pm

Yeah, I would think the impact from running and the lateral movement and quick stops from tennis would be more likely to aggravate the injury. Sucks though, when you lose the momentum like that.
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