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My attempt to Get Healthy (yet again)

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Postby kramday » Sat Mar 31, 2007 4:53 pm

I will say this for the thing, it does make you think every day. You make the decision to actually go to the gym or loose a point on the scheduled days. You make the decision to grab that fast food or get something better at home. I adds a little bit more accountability, though not 100%. You can still schedule too many exceptions, which is something that I ended up doing this month. :?

I can certainly see where it would seem like a lot of work though. From my old exercise diary, I was pretty much in the habit of writing stuff done each day. That was a huge help.
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Postby Carlo » Sat Mar 31, 2007 6:06 pm

I'll have to read up on the 100pt part but I'd be interested in keeping a log of my activities for April and see how good/bad I'm really doing. It might be easier to track if its 'on paper'
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Postby kramday » Sat Mar 31, 2007 6:10 pm

I definitely encourage the log. There have been a lot of weeks where I felt like I was just stuck, but then I would look at the weigh-in thread or the challenge thread and realize that it was actually a pretty good week.

The Challenge really comes down to just committing to a plan at the month and trying to stick to it. It is probably a little easier for me, since I am single and have a regular work schedule.
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Postby BigDog » Sat Mar 31, 2007 8:26 pm

So, with the Challenge, if I end up eating well on an Exception Day or exercising more than my expectation, do I gain a point in the Challenge?
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Postby kramday » Sat Mar 31, 2007 8:27 pm


I'm glad to see that you signed up for the challenge. Good luck this month.

BODY FAT: % Do you have to go to a gym to figure this out?

Actually, both Jeff and I bought scales that measure body fat as well. You can get one for around $30 or so at places like Target.

BigDog wrote:So, with the Challenge, if I end up eating well on an Exception Day or exercising more than my expectation, do I gain a point in the Challenge?

No, the goal is to stay as close as possible to 100, but you don't gain points back.
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Postby BigDog » Sat Mar 31, 2007 8:30 pm

kramday wrote:
BODY FAT: % Do you have to go to a gym to figure this out?

Actually, both Jeff and I bought scales that measure body fat as well. You can get one for around $30 or so at places like Target.

We just bought new scales and went for the analog kind. I'll figure out some other way.
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Postby kramday » Sat Mar 31, 2007 8:35 pm

It is just another measurement for the month. If you are curious, then stop over at my place sometime next week after work and jump on my scale. Then you could do it again closer to the end of the month.
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Postby kramday » Sat Apr 07, 2007 4:37 pm

The Belt
So far this month, things seems to be getting back on track. I missed a day at the gym, but the weight is going the right direction and I have been eating pretty well. But the scale, which currently says 204.2, isn't the only indication. I tightened the belt up another notch today, and it feels pretty good. If I keep this up, then I'll have to get a new belt soon. Of course, some might argue that I should get a new belt anyway. :D
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Postby kramday » Wed May 30, 2007 2:49 pm

June 100 Challenge
I honestly can't tell if the trip and cat thing threw May off, or if my interest and motivation from the 100 Challenge is just gone. Any interest in continuing it for next month?
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Postby BigDog » Thu May 31, 2007 8:26 am

I got pretty distracted this month as well, but it is critical to me to lose some more weight, so I have to keep going. I'll probably change up my approach, but the "100 challenge" thing is a good way to keep me journaling and self-assessing.
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Postby JO » Thu May 31, 2007 11:36 am

I'll keep up the challenge as well. I didn't do to bad until be went to Phili over the holiday weekend.

I like the journaling because it makes me think about what I am doing and whether I want to skip Curves or eat a burger then admit it to you and myself. the Challenge has kept me honest to myself which is good.
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Postby kramday » Thu May 31, 2007 12:10 pm

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Postby kramday » Thu Jun 21, 2007 12:59 pm

Goddamn scales
So, I was somewhat surprised when I got on the scale on Monday and it said 207.8. I wasn't expecting to have actually gained a pound from the previous week, but I have been eating a lot. Even though I haven't been eating that horrible, I have just been eating a lot of food since I started riding the bike a lot this summer.

Anyway, I got on the scale Tuesday and it said 203.8. Did I actually lose four pounds Monday night in my sleep? Wahoo. Sign me up for that plan. Wednesday was the same weight, 203.8, but today the damn scale said 200 even. Now that is an awesome number, and I can't even remember the last time I saw a scale with a number that low. But that fluctuation, on a digital scale especially, is a little frustrating. Oh well, I'll keep standing on it and recording the weight here on Mondays.
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Postby BigDog » Thu Jun 21, 2007 1:02 pm

Anything but the 200 is obviously an outlying data point and must be dropped. :D
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Postby kramday » Thu Jun 21, 2007 1:16 pm

LOL. Yeah, I should have been like Jeff and picked Fridays as my "official" weigh-in day.
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